Classification of risks

Classification of risks

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1.Class I Hazards (root causes)

The presence of energy (energy source or energy carrier) or dangerous substances that may be accidentally released during the production process: e.g. electrically charged conductors, substances that spontaneously combust in water, moving machinery, moving vehicles, pressure vessels, potential energy of suspended objects, drugs, dust, noise, etc.

2.Class II Hazardous Sources (Status)

Factors that lead to the breakdown or failure of energy or hazardous substance restraints and constraints, including: unsafe physical conditions, unsafe human behaviour, environmental factors, management factors


For example, if a "maintenance electrician" is carrying out "maintenance of electrical equipment", the first category of hazards is "live conductors", the second category of hazards may be: "broken insulation of exposed lines", "equipment leakage", "not monitored in accordance with the regulations, closed and energised during maintenance", etc. 

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